UV Radiation in sunlight damages the skin by damaging your DNA and suppressing the immune response in the skin. Your body can repair some of the damage but this damage accumulates over time. As we age there is a reduction in the nucleotide excision repair enzymes that repair DNA damage. Test
Sun damage shows in different ways including :
Various treatments exist to treat and reduce sun damage but of course prevention is better than cure.
To maintain good skin throughout life, strict sun protection is necessary. If sun exposure is unavoidable then protection with a 50+ sunscreen and protective clothing is the best approach.
It is estimated that with appropriate use of sunscreen the prevalence of all skin cancers could be reduced by 10–15%, and that daily use could reduce the risk of melanoma by 75% and squamous cell cancer by 40%.
(Queensland Health. The health of Queenslanders 2016. Report of the Chief Health Officer Queensland. Queensland Government. Brisbane 2016.
Often our patients choose not to use sunscreens due to sensitivity and greasy texture. There are a multitude of sunscreen products available.
Our Dermatologists can advise you regarding options to suit your particular needs allowing you to enjoy your time in the sun safely.